Programs by AM Photonics

4 programs found


Full-vectoral (vectorial) wave-optics beam propagator for optical waveguides that solves for beams of horizontal and vertical polarizations. Create your own optical waveguide structure using the graphical user interface, define the input beam, define a waveguide length, then press one button...

HeWoP for Waveguides

Use this software to create a waveguide structure, define an input beam, specify a waveguide length, then use one mouse click to propagate the beam to output. Structures include: photonic crystal fibers, step-index fibers, multi-core fibers, leaky-channel fibers, and more....

HeWoP for Free Space

This software solves the Helmholtz, scalar wave equation so that a laser beam of your choice can be propagated to a target in almost real time. Use one of five different beam propagation methods: FFT-BPM, FD-BPM, HE-BPM, Fraunhofer or Fresnel...

Spelling Beez for Windows

This software was originally part of School-Mom, a DOS children's educational program written by Dr. Andrew Motes, and was written in 1987. It can be used by beginning students for learning the ABCs and for learning to spell. It can...