Programs by Clive Bourne

4 programs found

Mailing List

This Access database maintains a list of people with all their contact details (address, email, phone, fax). You can then use these records to compile and store multiple mailing lists for land mail & email. Other features include quick phone...

Donations Tracker

This tool enables you to maintain a detailed ledger of donations received by your organisation, and then generate a summary to enter into your accounts software using different Budgets and Accounts Here's a brief description of the different sheets Budgets...

Annual Wages Budget

Calculates annual cost of all employees including Superannuation, Workcover, Leave Loading & Long Service Leave, based on wage conditions in Australia. After entering the Employment Conditions relevant to the particular Award, EBA or MBA applicable to their organisation, the user...


Calculates the cost of one wage including Superannuation, Leave Loading, Casual Loading (if applicable), Workcover, Payroll Tax for a specified period. It helps you to work out how many hours & what rate you can afford to pay for a...