Programs by GBelectronics GmbH

3 programs found


Backup in nearly real time! RealTimeBackup means: start up and forget it! Existing backup jobs will be processed automatically - you don?t need to attend to your backups anymore! RealTimeBackup was designed for running in the background (after Windows starts...

DisCatalog v3

With DisCatalog you can catalog all your disks regardless of which kind of storage medium: hard disks, CDs, DVDs, MP3, digital cards like cards in digital cameras etc. DisCatalog assists you to keep track of all your disks and to...

Wartungsplaner v6

Preventive servicing and maintenance is the basis for undisturbed and perfect working of your machinery. Coordinate all maintenance with Wartungsplaner no matter if they are based on exact intervals, fixed time table, calendar weeks or after certain hours of operation....