Programs by Infralution Pty Ltd

4 programs found

Infralution Licensing System

Infralution Licensing System (ILS) is an affordable, 100% .NET solution for licensing components and applications using secure encrypted license keys. ILS uses a public key encryption algorithm to verify license keys which makes it virtually impossible for a cracker to...

Infralution Virtual Data Objects

Do you miss the simplicity of programming with ADO under Visual Basic 6? Are you tired of spending precious time creating and configuring ADO.NET DataAdapter, DataSet and Connection classes each time you make a change to your database? Is ADO.NETs...

Virtual Tree

Virtual Tree is a combined Tree/ListView .NET control with advanced data binding capabilities and unmatched performance displaying large data sources. You can use VirtualTree as a simple tree, a standard list view, or you can combine the best features of...

Infralution IPN.NET

Infralution IPN.NET provides a complete ASP.NET solution for automating your purchasing and product licensing system using PayPal's Instant Payment Notification (IPN) mechanism. IPN.NET can be used in conjunction with the Infralution Licensing System for a complete licensing and purchasing solution...