Programs by VyPRESS Research, LLC

3 programs found

Vypress Messenger

Vypress Messenger is the first real-time messaging system specifically designed for business Intranets. Using a peer-to-peer architecture, it delivers text messages from workstation to workstation in real-time, without the typical delay associated with conventional e-mail, and absolutely safe with high-grade...


WinMessenger is an easy to use program that allows you to send and receive messages from computer to computer in real-time without using dedicated servers. It works over any network protocol (TCP/IP, IPX/SPX, NetBEUI, etc.), it is easy to deploy...


SafeKuvert is a computer application that provides the user with the ability to encrypt, digitally sign, compress, and/or securely delete files from the hard disk. It uses the Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) built into Windows, standard X-509 certificates from any...